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Real Time Enterprises, Incorporated

Acceptable Use Policy

Real Time Policy

It is the policy of Real Time to provide its members and subscribers access to the broadest possible number of organizations connected to the Internet. This is accomplished through connectivity to one or more state, multi-state regional or national backbone networks. With the exception of information specifically authored by or on behalf of Real Time, Real Time does not develop or publish, nor does Real Time review, censor or edit the materials and information which are accessible through the Real Time service networks, or the materials and information which are accessible through the other computer networks which may be connected to the Real Time service networks. The persons and organizations, including Real Time members and subscribers, who publish materials and information which are accessible through the Real Time service networks are solely responsible for the content of such materials and information and are solely responsible to know and to comply with all laws applicable to the publication of such materials and information. Real Time does not accept responsibility for the content of the materials and information published by others which are accessible through the Real Time service networks and does not accept responsibility for the violation of any laws resulting from such publication.

Real Time Guidelines

It is the responsibility of all Real Time members, subscribers and their constituents who have access to the Real Time service networks and to the networks of other providers, to comply with the Real Time Acceptable Use Policy and the acceptable use policies governing those networks. The following guidelines are part of the Real Time Acceptable Use Policy. It is the responsibility of all members, subscribers and others who have access to the Real Time service networks to:

    1.  use Real Time services and facilities in a manner which does not violate any applicable laws or regulations;

    2.  respect the privacy of other users, and to not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of or modify files, other data or passwords belonging to other users without permission;

    3.  respect the legal protection provided by copyright, trademark, licenses and other laws to programs, data and documents;

    4.  minimize unauthenticated or anonymous access accounts and the transmission or distribution of messages or articles from those accounts;

    5.  use Real Time services and facilities in a manner which does not interfere with or disrupt other network users, services or equipment. Such interference or disruption includes, but is not limited to:

    • wide-scale distribution of messages to inappropriate forums or mailing lists,
    • wide-scale distribution of messages to multiple inappropriate forums or mailing lists, propagation of computer worms or viruses, and use of the network to make unauthorized entry to other computational, information or communications devices or resources.  This includes unauthorized security probing activities or other attempts to evaluate the security integrity of a network or host system without permission.

Enforcement and Violations

Each Real Time member and subscriber shall be responsible to distribute, publicize and enforce the Real Time Acceptable Use Policy at their sites. In addition, each Real Time member and subscriber shall provide this policy to appropriate administrative authorities at all sites connected to theirs via connections not directly supported by Real Time.

Even though Real Time does not review, censor or edit the materials and information which are accessible on the Real Time service networks or other networks which may be connected to the Real Time service networks, if Real Time becomes aware that a Real Time member or subscriber is in violation of the law or this Acceptable Use Policy, Real Time reserves the right to impose disciplinary action up to and including, the expulsion of the member or subscriber from Real Time, termination of Real Time services, and forfeiture of all dues and fees paid to date. Evidence of illegal or prohibited activities may be disclosed to law enforcement  authorities.

Modifications to this policy

Real Time reserves the right to modify this policy at any time. Members and subscribers will receive prompt notification of all modifications.  Reproduction of this document for the purposes of distribution to aid compliance is permitted.


Questions related to the Real Time Acceptable Use Policy should be addressed to:

    Director of Internet Services
    Real Time Enterprises, Incorporated
    10181 Crosstown Circle
    Eden Prairie, MN 55344
    Phone: (952) 943-8700
    E-mail: [email protected]